Taking Notes

Use notekeeping tools to write key information down for later referral. Write down the actual commands and take screenshots!

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An Overview of Passive Recon(naissance)

Passive reconnaissance means gathering information that is already available on the internet, whereas active scanning begins with scanning of hosts.

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Identifying Our Target

To find a client that we can attack (legally) to practice reconnaissance, we use the public bugbounty program bugcrowd.com.

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Discovering Email Adresses

In this part, it will be demonstrated how one can find and verify email addresses as a part of reconnaissance on a target.

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Introduction to Python

This is part of the “Introduction to Python” module of TCM Sec’s “Practical Ethical Hacking” course. I have left out most of the material, which covers a basic introduction to Python. The rest is an application of Python for network programming.

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The Five Stages of Ethical Hacking

The five stages of ethical hacking are the same, irrespective if you hack into a network or a website:

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Scripting with Bash

This post is based on TCM Sec’s “Practical Ethical Hacking” course. It is the last topic in the “Introduction to Linux” chapter.

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Introduction to Linux

The following notes are based on TCM Security’s ‘Practical Ethical Hacking’. They refer to the Kali Linux operating system.

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Networking Refresher

The following notes are based on TCM Security’s ‘Practical Ethical Hacking’. They provide a short refresher of the most important concepts of networks.

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picoCTF: RPS

Another challenge from picoCTF 2022, worth 200 points.

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